Women’s lives are enriched by the important role played by gynecologists and obstetricians

A woman’s health is greatly affected by her gynecologist and obstetrician. This is why she must choose a trusted partner to help her with her particular needs.

Gynecologists specialize in the medical care for women and their reproductive systems, while obstetricians are concerned with the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy, birth, post-natal care, and beyond. A woman might choose to see an OB/GYN (an acronym for doctors who specialize in gynecology or obstetrics).

Gynecologists can identify and treat specific problems such as infertility or breast disease, fertility, hormones, STDs, and risk factors for gynecologic tumors.

The experts recommend females see an OB/GYN or gynecologist at least once a year, between 13 and 15. Women should see their doctor at least once per year beginning at age 21. The annual exam examines pelvic and breast health and any other issues. To allow STD screenings and counseling for women who are sexually active after age 21, it is a good idea to start your annual exam earlier.

Every woman should consider an annual exam. It is important to schedule regular screenings and have preventive visits. This will allow you to detect many diseases early so that you can get the best treatment. An annual exam builds trust between a woman’s provider and herself, which can be very important in the event of health problems.

Scheduling annual appointments can be difficult. It can be difficult for women to schedule annual visits as they are often the main caregivers in their families. Busy family schedules may make it easy to miss an appointment or forget it was ever made. Women can make their annual exam a priority by selecting a specific date each year, such as their birthday.

If a woman has a strong relationship with her provider, it may be easier to arrange a well-woman visit. Here are some guidelines to help women choose the best gynecologist.

Think about your needs – If you are planning to become pregnant within the next five years, an OB/Gyn can assist you in taking care of you both before and during conception. You might have particular health concerns. You may have specific health concerns. There are many subspecialties in Gynecology that can help you with issues like infertility and pelvic floor disorders. These issues can be addressed by a gynecologist who will refer you to the correct specialists.

Get the right information. Internet resources such as websites of practices or national databases can give more details about a doctor’s history, including years of experience and areas of sub specialization. A recommendation from someone you trust, like a friend who has already seen a doctor and can share their firsthand experience, speaks louder for women than any other information.

Common values- You can ask questions at your first appointment with a gynecologist regarding the most important issues to you. You should pay attention to the way your doctor aligns with your goals, especially if you want to get pregnant. It can be a sign of a doctor’s bedside manner that they are willing to spend time answering these questions.

Lifeline Medical Associates, an OB/GYN specialist with Premier Health Specialists, practices. Lifeline Medical Associates is the trusted choice in women’s healthcare