I want to express my gratitude for the time you’ve taken to consider contributing to Dentalephesus.com. Please read on to have a better understanding of the kind of material that we make available on our website. If you are an incredible writer who is well-versed in topics associated with mental health and addictions, we would be very interested in hearing from you.
If you are an expert in the fields of mental health, addictions, relationships, or therapy, I would like to extend to you an invitation to publish your work on Dentalephesus.com.
Subjects That We Compose About:
- Health of the Mind
- Physical and mental well-being
- Parents and their Offspring
- Relationships
- Aging
A Guide To Writing For This Site
To send your work as an attachment, you can do so using a Google Doc.
Include the following in your response:
- The heading of your piece
- The actual content of the article
- Your biography shouldn’t be any more than one hundred words.
- If you have a website or a blog, feel free to put a link to it here.
- If you have any accounts on social media, put links to those profiles here.
- Make sure that your name is spelled correctly and that you include an email address where we can reach you so that we can get in touch with you.
- The inclusion of any images, complete with citations, and/or infographics is completely voluntary.
You are indicating that you accept the following terms and conditions by submitting an article to us:
Simply submitting an article does not guarantee that it will be printed in the magazine. The article’s quality, relevancy, and uniqueness will be evaluated before a decision is made about whether or not it is approved.
After it has been posted to our website, an article is considered to be owned by Dentalephesus.com. You are not permitted to reprint that content without first receiving authorization from us. However, if you can offer us a complete bio along with a photo of yourself, we will be able to give credit to the writer.
Make Sure That The Following Requirements Are Met By Your Article If You Want It To Be Considered For Publication:
- A minimum of 550 words
- Extensively researched, using in-text citations and/or a list of sources as applicable
- Initially optimized for search engines (SEO)
- 100 percent unique
- A post that is in the manner of a list provides instructions on how to do something or discusses what something is, and it relates to mental health or therapy, relationships, or parenting.
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