SIGNS, SYMPTOMS AND Symptoms of Blood Cancer

The early stages of blood carcinoma can be difficult to diagnose. The signs and symptoms of cancer may not appear until later in life. Cancer symptoms could also be mistakenly misdiagnosed for other diseases like flu. Leukaemia Multiple Myeloma and Leukaemia all represent different types of blood cancer. While these conditions may not have the same symptoms as others, they share many common indicators of blood cancer.

The following are common signs of a blood cancer:

  • Chest pain or a cough
  • Infections that are frequently found
  • Fever or chills
  • Fatigue
  • Itchy or rashes
  • Unexplained, rapid weight loss
  • Frequent and easy bruising
  • A swelling or lump that occurs in the stomach or neck region, groin and neck.
  • Pain in the joint/bone
  • Night Sweats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nasser loss or a decrease in appetite
  • Persistent weakness, fatigue

Leukaemia , a bone marrow cancer , is a condition that causes blood cell loss. Leukaemia can become very serious and dangerous quickly in some cases. It is possible for the patient to get sick very quickly and develop infections easily. The chronic form of the disease can take many years before symptoms appear. An abnormal test of blood may indicate abnormal blood counts.

Anaemia is when there are symptoms such as anemia. These include:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness in breath
  • Pale skin
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

It is possible that blood cancer can also affect platelets which are important for blood clotting. These symptoms are:

  • Increased bleeding tendencies
  • Tiny and/or large red marks on the skin
  • Bleeding
  • Unusual/abnormalbruising
  • Stools that have red or dark colours
  • Heavy menstrual periods
  • Lymphoma symptoms

The Lymphocytes also known as the white blood vessels, can be affected by cancer. This causes them to grow abnormally and stop functioning well. The body does little to fight infections. The most common symptom is swelling in lymph nodes. Other organs can be affected by swollen lymphodes, which may cause chest/joint/bone/coughing and breathing shortness. Bloatedness is possible due to enlarged spleen.


  • Night Sweats
  • Fever
  • Skin itching
  • Unexplained/unexpected weight loss
  • Multiple myeloma symptoms

Plasma cells are responsible for fighting infections and are affected by this form of cancer. It manifests itself in an abnormally high number of plasma cells within the bone marrow. Other organs may be affected by certain protions secreted by the cells. The most common signs and symptoms are:

  • The pain in the bones
  • Hypercalcemia, an increase in calcium concentration in the blood. There are many symptoms, including weakness, nausea, constipation, and loss of appetite.

There are many different types of cancer, each with its own causes. But, every form of bloodcancer has certain common causes and risk factor. These are listed in the following.

Certain leukemias are more common in older people than in younger ones, like Acutemyeloid (AML). However, Acutely Limphoblastic Lukemia is more common in children.


Radiation can cause bleeding cancer. People who undergo radiation therapy for another type of cancer are more at risk of developing AML. Blood cancer can be more common the more radiation an individual is exposed to. In addition to radiation exposure, there are other sources of radiation that could cause cancer.


A variety of chemotherapy drugs, such as alkylating and platinum agents, increase the risk of getting blood cancer.

Family tree

The risk of developing blood cancer is increased if a sibling has or will have it.


Exposure can lead to cancer if you are exposed to certain chemicals. For example : Benzene, found in the cigarette and chemicals used in gasoline/oil/chemical industries, detergents, cleaning agents, glue, paint stripper, and art supplies can be a cause of blood cancer.


It is possible that blood cancer may be caused by genetic mutations and inheritance of particular syndromes. These conditions include Down syndrome. Swachman -Diamond syndrome. Congenital Neutropenia. Bloom and other conditions.


Lymphoma may be caused by lymphoma-related factors such as infection with Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus or other autoimmune diseases.