Lavender is a wonderful oil for hair and skin.

Lavender has a long history of being used in aromatherapy. The beauty and unique fragrance it emits is so appreciated. It’s not just a great aromatherapy option, but it also has many positive effects on your hair and skin. It is a powerful remedy that can alleviate you from anxiety, skin breakouts and lice. Lavender is a fragrant perfume that can make you stand out and be admired by others. You can also use it to help your hair and skin health.

Lavender benefits for Skin:

* Its antibacterial property keeps breakouts at bay. Lavender essential oil is a great addition to your daily skin care routine.

* Lavender oils can also remove dead skin cells from the surface, giving you a more radiant complexion.

This essential oil can treat skin conditions like eczema and pruritus.

* The skin-healing properties of lavender essential Oil can make it easy to heal wounds. It’s powerful enough to gradually fade even stubborn scars.

Surprised to hear that you can remove unwanted facial hair with a combination of Lavender essential oil and Tea tree oils. For permanent removal of unwanted facial hair, patience and perseverance are the keys to success.

Simply mix 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil with 4-5 drops from tea tree oil and apply it to the areas twice daily. Make sure you do a patch testing before using the oil to make sure it is comfortable for you.

Tip – Never apply essential oil directly to the skin. It is always recommended to use essential oils with carrier oil.

Lavender benefits for Hair:

* Lavender oil promotes hair growth, and it also helps to reduce hair fall. Add a few drops Lavender essential oils to your daily hair oil. This will allow you to see the results in a matter weeks.

* Fungal infection is a common problem for hair. They can be bid farewell by using lavender oil, which will also keep them from coming back.

* Frizzy hair is rare. They would be pleased to know that lavender essential oil can deep condition dry and damaged hair, making them shiny, smooth and frizzless.

* It is quite common for children to have lice on their hair. It can be helpful to use lavender oil as a treatment to your hair to make it more natural and not become a breeding ground for lice. It would be even better if it was combined with teatre oil.

Bad odor can cause a lot of discomfort for people you meet. This could be a problem for those who sweat more. The bad odor can be easily eliminated by using lavender essential oil as a hair spray.

Deyga’s lavander essential oil can only be handcrafted with lavender essence obtained through natural processes. Deyga Organics has the official website. Share your feedbacks with us so that we can keep you boosted and ready 24 hours a day. Keep healthy. Ciao.